I brought my vehicle in for them to tell me why my vehicle was grinding and not wanting to fully turn. They ended up giving me quotes for over $8,000... They told me I needed wheel bearing and tie rods replaced but I had just had them replaced. I told them that Belle Tire had been working on my car and it had been in the week prior for all new tires alignment and one of the part to be fixed. And that Belle Tire had also replaced several other tie rods and parts over the last several months... So after hearing this they started backpedaling and told me that if any of those parts are good they will reuse it... But they had just told me they were bad... He pushed for stuff to be fixed that was already fixed and he would not listen to me on what I really needed fixed. Thank goodness I went and got a second opinion my wheel bearing and tie rods are fine. Turns out the CV axle seal is bad and was getting dirt in there which is why I was getting a grinding. And I couldn't turn my steering wheel because the ABS sensor was off. When the guy kept pushing for the wheel bearing and that stuff to be done. He told me that there might not even be anything wrong with the back end even though he just got done quoting me over $3500 bc that stuff was bad... and then the final kicker is when he said "we're taking a stab in the dark"... I paid $130 for them to tell me what was wrong with my concerns of my vehicle and instead they tried to screw me over. I'm a single mom of four kids and I'm downright upset that they would do this to me.