I left a 1 star review and they didn't publish it on the website. Classic. Just like their poor ability to speak to women.
I have the right to make it right with you before publishing. That is pretty standard. However, I also have responded to every single 1 2 3 4 star review personally and I publish all of them immediately when I do so. I understand there is a way to trick people into believing everyone is happy and that is not fair nor what this company stands for. If I did not say in the last review of 1 star, I will say it now, I am Lee Johnson and if there is an issue I need to know and I am glad you reviewed a 1 star, but if you do not allow us to make it right , There is nothing more I can do for you, than to address the issue with the staff. The only people that get to experience the better us is everyone else. I would like to make it right with you and still be able to serve you, but you would have to be willing to come back in to do that and that is your choice. Thank you again
- Johnson's Automotive